Tuesday, April 16, 2013

On A Random Note.

    I cannot deny that I have thoroughly enjoyed reading Ovid's Metamorphoses. The stories are full of beautiful imagery, wonderful morals, and entertaining anecdotes that make for an extremely captivating read. Aside from all of these wonderful attributes, there is one more thing that these myths are full of, and sadly that is rape. Yep, I said it. RAPE. I know that this topic makes some people uncomfortable, but the gratuitous amounts of sexual assault in this book make me uncomfortable. Honestly, I do not think that a single book in the Metamorphoses passes without some act of dominance over women. Here is a short list of women raped in Ovid's Metamorphoses:
The list is longer than this, but you get the point. In this book, many of the women are described as virginal, virtuous, and above all, beautiful. The beauty of these women seem to prove too much for the gods to handle, and they simply cannot keep it in their pants...or toga...whatever it is. I think I would be a little less riled up about this if the gods faced some form of punishment for their actions, but that never seems to happen. In a cruel twist to these stories, it normally ends up with the woman being punished or exiled...after being raped. Shall we kick them a little more while they are down?
   Now, I do understand that these stories are hundreds of years old so I fully accept my lack of ability to change anything about them. The only thing that makes me a bit sad is the fact that they almost normalize rape, and that is something that has carried over into today's society. It had to start somewhere right? In today's media and social circles, there is something that has been dubbed "Rape Culture". It pretty much means that people normalize and down-play rape or even make it out to be the victims fault. This can be clearly seen in the Steubenville rape case. ( I have attached links to a blog that makes valid points about the media coverage and a link to CNN's disgraceful coverage of the court's rulings).
  The only reason I am blogging about this is because I feel like there was not an appropriate amount of discussion concerning this in class. I mean, the rape of women are central points in stories that formed an entire culture! I think that it lends itself to a conversation. Well that is my random rant. Take it as you will.
Great Video Blog
CNN's coverage on the issue.

 The Rape of Proserpina, 1621-22, Marble, Gian Lorenzo Bernini

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